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As you know, our group has two English lessons a week: on Tuesday and Friday. When the teacher comes and opens the door, we come in and sit down. Then we open our bags and speed dating murrieta ca take our exercise-books and Bonk'speed dating murrieta ca s text-books. We usually start it by pronouncing different words and sounds. Then speed dating murrieta ca we are usually invited to the blackboard by the teacher speed dating murrieta ca and Miss Anna asks us the words we were to teach by heart. After that we usually do speed dating murrieta ca some exercises speed dating murrieta ca from the text-book. These exercises speed dating murrieta ca teach us to ask questions, or how to make negative sentences and so on. Then, using tests in our exercise-books, we usually write spelling, two speed dating murrieta ca tests and a quiz. During the lesson we speak mostly English, but sometimes, when the students don't understand the teacher or the task in the text-book, we start speaking Armenian. What I like best of all in our speed dating murrieta ca English lessons is the merry, friendly atmosphere in the class. To the end of the lesson the teacher always gives us a huge homework. It usually consists speed dating murrieta ca casual restaurants in santa rosa ca of learning new words or a text by heart and making several exercises in a writing form. Then we all say good-bye to our teacher and begin preparing to the new lesson. Here I want to end my small composition about the English lessons in the university, where I study.
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